Look anywhere and digital content is all around you. It comes in the form of a brand film, physical installation, social media post, ad, etc… You get the picture. Back in the day, everything was so segmented. Print media was for the print people, Video was for the video people. Motion graphics didn’t exist.
Fast forward to today. Consumers expect every brand to entertain, and all of the traditional mediums have merged to become a sort of kissing cousins. The burden of creating falls on in-house creatives, production companies, and occasionally project-based freelancers, but often results in missing the mark due to unclear vision.
Creative Content Studios play a strong role in unifying all of these issues, into one problem to solve. Vision. How everything stews together in the giant pot of Brand Identity.
These days, brands have options. There is no shortage of creative talent to hire. Finding talented folks to create digital media is not the issue that brands run into. Rather, the issue lies in ensuring that the final product is cohesive with brand direction when it is finished.
Anyone can have a vision, but, too often, what happens is that when multiple people are involved in a project, they develop their own sort of tunnel vision to keep them on target to create the work necessary to make it a success, which may not necessarily translate into the cohesive message/concept that the brand is aiming for.
It’s not their fault; They were hired to do a job, and that job was to make a specific thing. Brands simply do not have the time or the manpower to manage all the different moving parts, while trying to ensure that the message is conveyed.
Content Agencies solve this problem through a multidisciplinary approach. Being well-versed in marketing strategy aspects of media creation, the studios manage the process of content creation across all media, but with a focus on preserving brand identity on all completed assets.
Typically, they have good working partnerships with other digital Agencies, to make sure that the brand moves forward in a clear direction. They serve as a Brand’s guide to create content that is engaging but also resonates with the audience watching it.
Because of technological advances, smaller studios now have the ability to produce the same level of great work as larger agencies or studios and can pivot much faster on creative, business, and budgetary needs.
Growing brands need a clear direction as to who they are and where they plan to grow. The supporting visuals need to reflect that on a grand scale, and there cannot be any competing elements.

Here’s where we come in. We don’t replace the marketing and creative departments; we complement them. Think of us as a strategic partner.
There are some things best left in-house, but with Omnislash Visual helping to guide the visuals.
In a utopian world, there would be unlimited budgets, and unlimited tasks for us to do, but that simply isn’t real life. We work with brands to determine where time and energy should be spent on their creative, and implement a sustainable process in which brand content is carried out on a consistent basis that supports a larger goal.
We don’t want to make media for media’s sake. We want the media that we produce together to win brands’ fans, extend reach, and drive impressions.
A content studio is invested in your success. Sometimes, it is more economical to do smaller things in-house, and then to work on larger projects with outside companies who have a bird’s-eye view on the creative as a whole.
Having a solid creative process not only ensures a smooth delivery, but also provides agility when changes are made, or the scope of work changes.
Ok, everyone loves a good bullet point.
- A more holistic approach to creative. Rather than working on single projects, the studio is brought in earlier in the process, and work directly with brands to develop a clear road map for art direction over an extended amount of time. The relationship doesn’t end after post-production
- More creative ideas. Because the Studio is involved in multiple aspects of creative (Video, Motion Graphics, Design, Products, Installations), they can see from a broader view of what the brand is moving toward.
- Creative Professionals. They know the answers to the questions other creatives will have, thus saving brands the headaches of not knowing what is hindering progress.
- Providing insight. What’s the point of creating digital content if you don’t know where the eyes are looking?
Brands can focus on the “why” they are making something without having to get their hands dirty on the nitty gritty, such as things like:
- Creative Direction & Production Management
- Full-Service Media Production
- Talent recruitment
- Production value
- Budget-depleting errors due to lack of eyes on details
- Specialization. We specialize in one thing; creative content. Services such as marketing, and deployment are best done by other agencies that specialize in it.
Feel free to reach out if you have any specific questions about how we can help.
Omnislash Visual is a creative content studio based in Connecticut, USA that works directly with brands that want to create evocative content and diehard fans.